No Power…No Shower

No Power...No Shower Here's a sort story about no power and burnt bread: Baking bread is somewhat of a hobby for me now. It is rather therapeutic! The preparation required, materials needed and kneading of dough make it very entertaining for the kids to watch and for me to do. Some of the boys will sit and simply watch me tirelessly press on a ball of dough for 30 minutes and not make a sound (its quite nice). We make every kind of bread. Corn bread, banana bread, zucchini bread, dinner rolls, carrot bread, birthday cake and even doughnuts! Here's the catch, I never made bread before coming here. So far, my bread has come out as hard as a rock, burnt to a crisp, far too salty or too sweet and even shaped like breadsticks instead of my intended rolls (shocking but true story). The first time I made perfect bread was this week! It was genuinely one of my happiest moment of the past year. The kids couldn't get enough of it an I even had to pull it away ...