America, but South

America...but South! After a total of 45 hours in busses, 5 flights, 2 train rides, countless taxis, gondolas, and incredible hikes...our group has finished our tour of 3 countries down here in South America. All of us feel incredibly blessed to have had these experiences and return safely to Familia Feliz. In our travels we had several unique experiences and encountered quite a few language barriers (especially in Brazil). The experiences we gained as a group are unforgettable and I am more then grateful that we had the opportunities to travel and have fun during our time in South America. As I have mentioned before, I caught a serious travel bug from my dad. He always encouraged my brother and I to be planned...and that we should be ready for anything...we should do our best to have everything accounted for. For three months, my days off were dedicated to writing this blog as well as planning our trip through Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. This trip gave me a LOT to lo...