
Visitors- Anticipation: There have been several moment marking experiences during the past year. August – Arrival September – New SMs arriving October – Verification trip to La Paz November – FIRES December – Christmas away from home January – SM vacation! February – Dengue…and parents visit! March – Volunteers from Southern! We made it to our final moment marker of my year in Bolivia. Back in November, we learned that one of Southern Adventist Universities “Vision Trips” would be coming to Familia Feliz. I was beyond excited about this because it meant a whole new group of people would have the opportunity to live the life that we are currently experiencing. Plus, there would be a chance to get to know other students from my university a bit better. However, that was back in November...there was still 4 whole months till that time would come. So, we went through each day as if nothing special was coming. The more I would anticipate something fun happening, t...